Reframing Your Perspective: Find Comfort in Being Uncomfortable!

As I’ve navigated balancing my coursework, personal growth, and career search, I’ve tapped into the many support systems available through the Institute for Advanced Analytics. Through conversations with my mentors, I’ve become confident in my abilities to face any challenge with the right perspective. In this post, I’ve shared exactly Continue reading Reframing Your Perspective: Find Comfort in Being Uncomfortable!

Using Tableau to Build a Time Series Model

Tableau is most often used as a visualization tool, but it is also a powerful tool to build exponential smoothing models for time series data. If your data uses an exponential smoothing model for forecasting (more recent observations are given greater weight), and you want to have a quick drag-n-drop Continue reading Using Tableau to Build a Time Series Model

You Might Not Like It, But This is What Peak Performance Looks Like…

In the fall semester, students in the IAA program participated in a two-week communication training where we created a presentation on a topic of our choosing. As a lifelong basketball fan, I chose to share the differences in 3-point attempts over time in the NBA. While researching statistics and trends Continue reading You Might Not Like It, But This is What Peak Performance Looks Like…