The Institute for Advanced Analytics: The Best Pathway to a Data Science Career

In the rapidly evolving field of data science, choosing the right educational pathway makes all the difference. With countless options available, it’s critical to select a program that not only provides cutting-edge knowledge but also prepares you for the real-world challenges of this dynamic industry. As a current graduate student Continue reading The Institute for Advanced Analytics: The Best Pathway to a Data Science Career

AI and Translation: An Interview with Emily Sedlacek

I am a hobby translator on hiatus while I attended the Institute for Advanced Analytics. Prior to attending the Institute, I would translate Japanese pop-culture media from Japanese to English in my free time. I occasionally used AI translation tools, supplementing gaps or areas where the AI fell short with Continue reading AI and Translation: An Interview with Emily Sedlacek

Data in the Life of a Type I Diabetic

Since being diagnosed as a type I diabetic at the age of four, my life has been full of highs and lows. Growing up as the youngest among four competitive brothers, my drive to excel in every facet of life was relentless. My diagnosis reshaped my entire outlook, transforming my Continue reading Data in the Life of a Type I Diabetic

The Power of Empathy in Data Science

If you are coming to the Institute for Advanced Analytics (IAA) from a humanities or social science background, rest assured that you possess a distinct advantage in data science. By combining technical expertise with your understanding of diverse viewpoints and the ability to contextualize information, you will grow to be Continue reading The Power of Empathy in Data Science