TritonWear: Track, analyze, and improve your swimming workouts

I researched TritonWear, a company that makes a device that utilizes more than 30 metrics to build personalized workouts for swimmers, track training efficiency, and help swimmers reach individual goals. I was a competitive swimmer throughout middle and high school, so I can appreciate how difficult minor improvements can be Continue reading TritonWear: Track, analyze, and improve your swimming workouts

How to Make a GitHub Portfolio Website

Imagine having a dynamic, accessible portfolio that showcases your data science skills and projects in one place. Whether you aim to land a job, build your network, or share your work, a GitHub portfolio is an excellent way to stand out. After graduating from North Carolina State University in May Continue reading How to Make a GitHub Portfolio Website

Expectations vs. Reality: Transitioning from a Small Women’s College to the Institute

One of my primary concerns about starting graduate school was the transition from my undergraduate school to the Institute. At Meredith College, a small women’s college in Raleigh with a maximum of 1,200 students, my major classes typically had between 5 to 10 students. This intimate setting made it easy Continue reading Expectations vs. Reality: Transitioning from a Small Women’s College to the Institute

You Belong Here: Embracing Your Unique Journey in Data Science

Have you ever felt out of place at a job, in a class, or even in a program where you’re fully qualified? You’re not alone—82% of people experience this phenomenon known as imposter phenomenon, the relentless feeling of not deserving their success (American Psychological Association). As a result, it’s no Continue reading You Belong Here: Embracing Your Unique Journey in Data Science