A Glimpse into Fall 1: How I Managed My Time

I tracked my activities during weekdays for three weeks at the start of Fall 1 (August 19th–September 6th) to get a sense of how my time was spent and categorized it into seven key areas. Here are the results: 1. Social Activities Percent of Time per Day: 23%Average Hours per Continue reading A Glimpse into Fall 1: How I Managed My Time

The Institute for Advanced Analytics: The Best Pathway to a Data Science Career

In the rapidly evolving field of data science, choosing the right educational pathway makes all the difference. With countless options available, it’s critical to select a program that not only provides cutting-edge knowledge but also prepares you for the real-world challenges of this dynamic industry. As a current graduate student Continue reading The Institute for Advanced Analytics: The Best Pathway to a Data Science Career

Education for Analytics-Principal Investigators Vs. Practicums

Last week, I shared a meal with a friend during which something rare happened— we started discussing principal component analysis. Perhaps others frequently converse on this topic, but for me, it was a first. I attributed this occurrence to the fact that we are both students in technical fields, albeit Continue reading Education for Analytics-Principal Investigators Vs. Practicums

Student Spotlight: GoDaddy Practicum Team

For students in NC State’s Master of Science in Analytics (MSA) Class of 2020, the new semester brings new opportunities. They’re learning about big data, optimization, simulation and risk, and other advanced topics. They’re beginning to interview for jobs. And when they’re not in the classroom or meeting with prospective Continue reading Student Spotlight: GoDaddy Practicum Team