Taking Care of Your Health at the IAA

Group of students in uniform for intramural sports

Taking care of your health is always important; having less free time shouldn’t change that. Being a student in the IAA may not allow for as much free time as an undergrad, but there are many great ways to stay healthy during the program. I will discuss some lifestyle choices Continue reading Taking Care of Your Health at the IAA

A Day in the Life of an MSA Student

8:00 am  I wake up and get dressed. MSA students must wear business casual to the institute; I usually wear a button-down shirt, pants, and flats. I make sure whatever I wear is comfortable because I will sit down most of the day. If I have time, I will eat Continue reading A Day in the Life of an MSA Student

A Guide to Maintaining Your Active Lifestyle at the Institute

Group of 10 students in the gym

After my first week at the Institute of Advanced Analytics, I realized I had to change. Gone were the days of undergrad, in which I had ample free time to sleep in, hit the gym whenever convenient, and complete tasks “whenever I get to them.” However, as someone unwilling to Continue reading A Guide to Maintaining Your Active Lifestyle at the Institute