Lab Scientist to Data Scientist: Making the Transition from Biology to Analytics

One of the defining characteristics of the IAA is that its students come from a diverse set of academic backgrounds. While you will find your fair share of math and statistics majors, you’ll also find people who studied history, biology, political science, and engineering. If you are looking to transition Continue reading Lab Scientist to Data Scientist: Making the Transition from Biology to Analytics

Collaborating Better by Overcoming Bias

Teamwork can be incredibly effective, leading teams to generate more ideas and achieve superior outcomes compared to individuals. But sometimes teamwork is hindered by unconscious psychological tendencies (or cognitive biases) that affect our perception of team members and their behavior. In this blog post, we will delve deeper into three Continue reading Collaborating Better by Overcoming Bias

My Journey: Essential Tips for International Students Moving Abroad

Embarking on my educational journey in a foreign land was both exhilarating and challenging. I am sharing how I eased my transition with these essential tips for academic success, housing arrangements, transportation, and accessing crucial resources. Here are the suggestions that personally helped me ensure a seamless transition: Finally, don’t Continue reading My Journey: Essential Tips for International Students Moving Abroad

A Humanities Girl in an Analytical World

Although my background was in humanities, I find myself playing a numbers game in the world of analytics. I graduated from NC State in May 2023 with a degree in Political Science with a concentration in International Politics. You might ask yourself, “Is it possible to succeed in this program Continue reading A Humanities Girl in an Analytical World