Gap Year to Grad School

The thought of coming to graduate school after a gap year was daunting. I hadn’t thought about statistics in forever other than occasionally checking my fantasy football teams. I hadn’t taken an exam, interviewed, or studied for anything. I wasn’t even working in a traditional setting like an office. My Continue reading Gap Year to Grad School

How to Use a Spaced Repetition Flashcard System to Succeed at the IAA

As MSA students, we are asked to juggle a slew of tasks and projects that pull us in a million different directions. It’s often difficult to find time amid the onslaught of obligations to find time to study for our assessments. Many students use the flashcard website Quizlet to generate Continue reading How to Use a Spaced Repetition Flashcard System to Succeed at the IAA

On the data hunt

One of the data applications that has the most direct impact on people is healthcare analytics. The ability to shape how healthcare is delivered and to work with healthcare providers to help them do their jobs really appeals to me because of the proximity to people. I wanted to get Continue reading On the data hunt


Four students eating

As an international student living away from home for almost five years, staying connected to my roots has been a challenge, especially in places where the community from that country is small. Homesickness is very common in these situations and can really take a toll on your mental health. Here’s Continue reading EATING MY WAY HOME