Lab Scientist to Data Scientist: Making the Transition from Biology to Analytics

One of the defining characteristics of the IAA is that its students come from a diverse set of academic backgrounds. While you will find your fair share of math and statistics majors, you’ll also find people who studied history, biology, political science, and engineering. If you are looking to transition Continue reading Lab Scientist to Data Scientist: Making the Transition from Biology to Analytics

What is the Best Way to Take a Picture of a Worm?

An interview with Dr. Adriana San Miguel Delgadillo Dr. Adriana San Miguel Delgadillo is an Associate Professor in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at NC State University. I was first introduced to Dr. San Miguel when she gave a seminar describing the beautiful and fascinating mix of microfluidics, Continue reading What is the Best Way to Take a Picture of a Worm?