Human Intelligence: Learning what AI Cannot.

As graduate students preparing to enter the workforce, we look upon the rapidly expanding capabilities of AI with some trepidation. What impact will AI have on our careers? In a very short time, ChatGPT has garnered hundreds of millions of unique users, becoming the fastest-growing app of all time. And Continue reading Human Intelligence: Learning what AI Cannot.

Reframing Learning Programming

cartoon people. First person says Do you have any practice coding? Second person responds: No, but I'm skilled at looking over someone's shoulder and reminding them that they forgot a semicolon.

In a 2022 survey of 1,000 United States students conducted by KX, 58% consider coding vital to future success. The desire to learn coding has exploded in popularity over the years, but learning a new programming language can feel daunting. You could be a student applying to the IAA, nervous Continue reading Reframing Learning Programming

How to Make a Friend at the Institute

AI Generator image of robot student in formal attire.

The IAA prides itself on how students develop their “soft” skills: communication, collaboration, and professionalism. These skills ensure professional success and help us make friends along the way. However, you probably didn’t know that the IAA can help you leverage the “hard” skills of coding, statistics, and linear algebra to Continue reading How to Make a Friend at the Institute

Coming to a Screen Near You: How Data Science is Revolutionizing the Film Industry

As a former film student, I felt that my dreams of working in the film industry had come to an end after switching career paths to Data Science; however, that couldn’t be further from the truth. Data Science is now becoming commonplace in film, and there are four main areas Continue reading Coming to a Screen Near You: How Data Science is Revolutionizing the Film Industry