From Research to Analytics

After eight years in biochemistry, I realized that my true passion lies in data analysis. This growing passion led me to shift my career focus from laboratory research to the dynamic field of data analytics. The journey from biochemistry to data analytics has been both challenging and rewarding, allowing me Continue reading  From Research to Analytics

A Day in the Life: Summer Semester at the Institute of Advanced Analytics

Woman playing piano and view of a field

7:20 AM – Wake Up 7:20 – 8:00 AM I aim to exercise at least twice weekly to relieve the tension from sitting for long periods. 8:00 – 8:45 AM After a quick shower, I enjoy the breakfast I prepped the night before to save time. I pack my essentials: Continue reading A Day in the Life: Summer Semester at the Institute of Advanced Analytics

Expectations vs. Reality: Transitioning from a Small Women’s College to the Institute

One of my primary concerns about starting graduate school was the transition from my undergraduate school to the Institute. At Meredith College, a small women’s college in Raleigh with a maximum of 1,200 students, my major classes typically had between 5 to 10 students. This intimate setting made it easy Continue reading Expectations vs. Reality: Transitioning from a Small Women’s College to the Institute