5 Truths About Being an IAA Student with a Gremlin (oops, I mean) Child

Being a parent is hard. Being a student is hard. Doing them together? Absolute insanity! I am part of the 4% minority of the MSA Class of 2025 that is going through the IAA program whilst being a parent. Juggling a toddler and school has been a remarkable journey; here Continue reading 5 Truths About Being an IAA Student with a Gremlin (oops, I mean) Child

From Plant Biologist to Data Scientist: An Interview with Matthew Cleary

Matthew Cleary (MSA class of ’21) is currently an Advanced Analytics Business Partner at Merz Aesthetics, a pharmaceutical company that specializes in aesthetic medicine. Prior to joining the MSA program he had built a career as a plant biologist, and still has a passion for all things flora. During our Continue reading From Plant Biologist to Data Scientist: An Interview with Matthew Cleary

14 Years Later: Reflecting on the Impact of the IAA Program

“When I started the IAA program 14 years ago, data science was not widely known, but it quickly grew into a significant industry. IAA equipped me to enter various fields, as I learned how to tackle a wide range of problems at different levels. Now, as a data analyst, I Continue reading 14 Years Later: Reflecting on the Impact of the IAA Program

The Importance of Communication in Analytics: An Interview with Dr. Sarah Egan Warren

In the world of analytics, it’s common for professionals to struggle with communicating their findings to non-technical audiences or high-level stakeholders. Whether you’re new to the field or an experienced analyst, the ability to translate complex data into meaningful insights for diverse audiences is a crucial skill. At the Institute Continue reading The Importance of Communication in Analytics: An Interview with Dr. Sarah Egan Warren