Running the Race of Analytics: 4 Lessons from the NYC Half Marathon

runners in NYC

My alarm goes off at 4:30 AM, and the first thing I do is lean over the bed begrudgingly to turn off the alarm in my New York City Hotel and check the weather: 20 degrees with wind up to 20 mph. I face 13.1 miles ahead in the blistering Continue reading Running the Race of Analytics: 4 Lessons from the NYC Half Marathon

Peek Inside the Institute

One of the most important aspects of the Institute for Advanced Analytics is that everything is located in the Alliance building on NC State’s Centennial campus. All classes, offices, study rooms, and more are conveniently located on two floors of the Alliance building.  This “Peek Inside the Institute” shows different Continue reading Peek Inside the Institute

The Advice I Would Give to My 22-Year-Old Self

Over the past year, I’ve learned a lot about myself and compiled a list of life lessons, big and small, that I wish I had known when I first entered “the real world” after college. The biggest thing I’ve learned? That learning never stops. But there were things big and Continue reading The Advice I Would Give to My 22-Year-Old Self

Trust the Process: A Philadelphian’s Perspective

During my first two weeks at the Institute for Advanced Analytics (IAA), I sought academic advice from everyone. I spoke with the faculty, the staff, and many of our alumni. Although each conversation had subtle nuances, one phrase found its way into all of them: trust the process.  As a Continue reading Trust the Process: A Philadelphian’s Perspective