Intramural Soccer Champs!

Data Column | Institute for Advanced Analytics
The Collaborative Blog for Students in the Master of Science in Analytics
The Institute for Advanced Analytics partnered with Centennial Campus Middle School (Raleigh, NC) and Hobbton High School (Newton Grove, NC) for a thrilling Thanksgiving food fundraiser. Over the course of one week, IAA students were encouraged to bring in nonperishable food donations. Cohorts earned points for specific items. While the Continue reading Thanksgiving
Six women in analytics and technology shared their experiences and advice for navigating the workplace for women and men. Pictured from left to right: Sarah Glova Marina Burke Marina Akushevich Sneha Raghavan (moderator) Hiwot Tesfaye Salma Ibrahim Oct 19, the Institute for Advanced Analytics held a Women in Analytics Panel. We Continue reading Women in Analytics Panel and Launching the MSA Book Club
Have you ever realized that you’ve been saying a common phrase incorrectly? Often the first way you hear a phrase pronounced is adopted as your personal rule. This comes up in everyday speech and, maybe most amusingly, in the misinterpretation of song lyrics. This blog post was inspired by noticing Continue reading “I couldn’t care less.. For all intents and purposes.. One and the same” and other commonly misspoken phrases