From Chaucer to Code: Why Non-STEM Backgrounds Matter in Data Analytics

There are common stereotypes that humanities degrees are “useless,” that Historically Black Colleges/Universities (HBCUs) don’t prepare you for the real world, and that being a Black woman is a deficit in STEM fields. I’m here to challenge all that. As a Black woman who graduated from the illustrious North Carolina Continue reading From Chaucer to Code: Why Non-STEM Backgrounds Matter in Data Analytics

Beyond Luck: Tackling Imposter Syndrome in Graduate School

Picture this: you’ve worked hard, graduated from undergrad with honors, and maybe even gained some valuable, real-world experience. Then, you get into one of the top analytics programs in the country—let’s say the Institute for Advanced Analytics at NC State. You’re thrilled and so proud of yourself… but then something Continue reading Beyond Luck: Tackling Imposter Syndrome in Graduate School

A Glimpse into Fall 1: How I Managed My Time

I tracked my activities during weekdays for three weeks at the start of Fall 1 (August 19th–September 6th) to get a sense of how my time was spent and categorized it into seven key areas. Here are the results: 1. Social Activities Percent of Time per Day: 23%Average Hours per Continue reading A Glimpse into Fall 1: How I Managed My Time

Interview with Morgan Ferguson

“I was so drawn to that data storytelling piece. You can build a model and do analytics, but it will never get implemented if you can’t present it correctly. And you’re never going to drive value from it. So being able to do both is an essential balancing act.” Meet Continue reading Interview with Morgan Ferguson