Smarter Every Day: How Students Achieve Success at the IAA

Students at the Master of Science in Analytics (MSA) program go on to achieve great things, but how do they get to that point? The outcomes may seem unreachable in the beginning, but by learning a bit every day, students grow exponentially in all areas of being data scientists. Learning Continue reading Smarter Every Day: How Students Achieve Success at the IAA

The Value of a Music Degree

Overheard while coaching youth orchestra rehearsal: “I want to major in music, but my parents said I’ll never get a job and it’s a waste of time.” A group of high schoolers nodded in agreement, acknowledging the perceived disconnect between following your passion and someday leading a successful life. As Continue reading The Value of a Music Degree

Communication Training Week Team Experience

Another great team experience at the Institute for Advanced Analytics! It’s amazing what can be created in less than 36 hours with a group of brilliant minds. This program is fulfilling its reputation of purposeful challenge and support to create well-rounded data professionals. I’m excited and honored to be among Continue reading Communication Training Week Team Experience