From Research to Analytics

After eight years in biochemistry, I realized that my true passion lies in data analysis. This growing passion led me to shift my career focus from laboratory research to the dynamic field of data analytics. The journey from biochemistry to data analytics has been both challenging and rewarding, allowing me Continue reading  From Research to Analytics

Data Preprocessing: SQL vs. Python

Raw data could be messy and inconsistent. Before any meaningful insights can be generated, the first thing we need to do is to clean and explore the data, which leads us to the important question: what tool should we use to facilitate this crucial step? Generally speaking, there are two Continue reading Data Preprocessing: SQL vs. Python

Bridging the Gap: How Learning a Foreign Language Can Enhance Your Programming Skills

computer code

Like many students at the Institute, I completed the PCEP (Entry Level Python Programmer) certification, which solidified my grasp of Python programming fundamentals. However, my programming journey is far from over. While strengthening my coding skills, I have noticed many similarities between learning a programming language and a foreign language. Continue reading Bridging the Gap: How Learning a Foreign Language Can Enhance Your Programming Skills

Reframing Learning Programming

cartoon people. First person says Do you have any practice coding? Second person responds: No, but I'm skilled at looking over someone's shoulder and reminding them that they forgot a semicolon.

In a 2022 survey of 1,000 United States students conducted by KX, 58% consider coding vital to future success. The desire to learn coding has exploded in popularity over the years, but learning a new programming language can feel daunting. You could be a student applying to the IAA, nervous Continue reading Reframing Learning Programming