Representation of Analytics: High School and Dance

IAA Student and head coach of Clayton High School Dance Team asked her members what they know about Data Analytics. Are high school students aware of a career in Data Analytics, and if not, how could this affect the number of students going into their undergraduate career pursuing a path Continue reading Representation of Analytics: High School and Dance

The Beta for Data – Why Rock Climbing is Ideal for Data Scientists

I love rock climbing. Though I’ve only been climbing for about one year, it has quickly become one of my favorite pastimes. Since starting at the Institute in June, I’ve already gained a reputation for being the student who takes any opportunity to ask my classmates if they’d like to Continue reading The Beta for Data – Why Rock Climbing is Ideal for Data Scientists

Quantifying Sport: Why Cycling is THE Sport for any ‘Data Nerd’

When people think of “cycling,” something like the Tour de France might come to mind. However, cyclists can be mountain bikers, commuters, or anyone on any kind of bike. If you ride regularly for utility, training, or enjoyment you may be curious about your rides:  How fast can I ride to Continue reading Quantifying Sport: Why Cycling is THE Sport for any ‘Data Nerd’