Small Fish in a Big Pond: Making the Transition from a Small Liberal Arts College to a Large Public University

School size is often a key factor in a student’s graduate school decision. The small-school vs. large-school debate is seemingly endless. While smaller schools often boast small class sizes and close mentorship from faculty, larger schools tend to extol the benefits of countless academic programs, myriad campus organizations, and the Continue reading Small Fish in a Big Pond: Making the Transition from a Small Liberal Arts College to a Large Public University

Riding the Roller Coaster of Trip Planning

As a graduate student at the IAA, it is essential to take a step back and have fun with your classmates every once and a while. That fun should not be prohibitively expensive. Here is how we planned a fantastic trip on a budget.  Selecting a Destination The first step Continue reading Riding the Roller Coaster of Trip Planning

Making Friends at the Institute – One Activity at a Time

It normally takes me some time with people to open up and truly be myself. However, when coming into the Institute, I told myself that I was going to be as open as possible and try hard to make new friends. Because the Institute and my fellow students have been Continue reading Making Friends at the Institute – One Activity at a Time