Holiday Gift Drive

This holiday season, the Institute for Advanced Analytics was excited to partner with WakeMed Children’s hospital to collect toys as part of their annual holiday gift drive. The drive ensures that every current patient has a gift at Christmas. While past fundraisers have involved competition between the two cohorts, this Continue reading Holiday Gift Drive

Datalines: An interview with Elaine McVey

“Thinking about how we collect data, how we use data, and how it affects people is part of the obligation of being in data science.” – Elaine McVey This is the first interview in a series called Datalines that explores data science careers in the social sector. The idea for Continue reading Datalines: An interview with Elaine McVey


The Institute for Advanced Analytics partnered with Centennial Campus Middle School (Raleigh, NC) and Hobbton High School (Newton Grove, NC) for a thrilling Thanksgiving food fundraiser. Over the course of one week, IAA students were encouraged to bring in nonperishable food donations. Cohorts earned points for specific items. While the Continue reading Thanksgiving

Hurricane Harvey Relief Efforts

At the end of August, Hurricane Harvey devastated Texas, leaving many without homes, power, or food. After the success of the Bake Sale for School Supplies in July, Daniel and I decided to host a Bake Sale for Hurricane Harvey Relief. Sixteen IAA students contributed delicious baked goods to the Continue reading Hurricane Harvey Relief Efforts