The Mathematics Behind Ballet

Three pairs of pointe shoes

When someone mentions the word “ballet,” we often think: creativity, an art form, or a form of dancing. However, I have learned that while ballet heavily uses the right side of the brain (creativity), you still need to use the left side (analytical) just as much. While you aren’t solving Continue reading The Mathematics Behind Ballet

Eason’s Marathon

map of marathon loop

What started with me saying I could run a marathon in under 6 hours with no training turned into a fundraiser for Beau’s Buddies Cancer Fund that far exceeded my expectations. With the help of the entire Institute for Advanced Analytics, we were able to raise over $4,500 in just Continue reading Eason’s Marathon

Running Around Raleigh

Many prospective students spend time touring potential schools and surveying the surrounding area, but I first came to Raleigh in June – only a few weeks before the beginning of the MSA program. Part of me worried about the risks of moving to a new city without ever visiting, but Continue reading Running Around Raleigh