Will data analysis be automated?

In 2011, McKinsey & Company released a report about the shortage of analytical talents, marking the beginning of the era of big data. In the following year, an article in the Harvard Business Review called data scientist “the sexiest job in 21st century.” Businesses and organizations, private and public sectors alike, continue Continue reading Will data analysis be automated?

News vs. Noise: The Syrian Refugee Crisis – Text Mining and Sentiment Analysis

What is the Syrian Refugee Crisis? As a result of the Syrian Civil War, 4 million Syrians have been displaced from their home, mostly taking refuge in neighboring countries such as Jordan, Lebanon, and Turkey. By October 2015, the cumulative number of Syrian refugees seeking asylum in Europe had reached over Continue reading News vs. Noise: The Syrian Refugee Crisis – Text Mining and Sentiment Analysis

How I Didn't Lose Money in Vegas

On my flight to Las Vegas, I considered how I could best use the little money in my pocket. I could gamble it in the casino, or I could save it for a Christmas present for my mother. I remember my successes in the simple card game War as a Continue reading How I Didn't Lose Money in Vegas