The Power of Empathy in Data Science

If you are coming to the Institute for Advanced Analytics (IAA) from a humanities or social science background, rest assured that you possess a distinct advantage in data science. By combining technical expertise with your understanding of diverse viewpoints and the ability to contextualize information, you will grow to be Continue reading The Power of Empathy in Data Science

The Right Amount of Wrong: Calibrating Predictive Models

graph showing predicted versus actual win percentage

The Right Amount of Wrong: Calibrating Predictive Models How do we evaluate a predictive model? The most intuitive answer is accuracy—a simple measure of what percent of the time your model’s prediction is correct. Accuracy is a widely used evaluation metric, largely because it’s so easy to understand. However, a Continue reading The Right Amount of Wrong: Calibrating Predictive Models

The Mathematics Behind Ballet

Three pairs of pointe shoes

When someone mentions the word “ballet,” we often think: creativity, an art form, or a form of dancing. However, I have learned that while ballet heavily uses the right side of the brain (creativity), you still need to use the left side (analytical) just as much. While you aren’t solving Continue reading The Mathematics Behind Ballet