Life in Raleigh

While I may have spent my undergraduate years in Chapel Hill, I have always loved the city of Raleigh. My wife went to NC State, so I frequented this area throughout college. But even before that, I have found Raleigh to be such a great place. Whether it was going Continue reading Life in Raleigh

Energy Balance: Ancient Ways the Body Deals with MSA Stress

I was an active kid who happened to really like biology and how we have evolved as humans. As I learned more about why the human body works the way it does, I became interested in human movement and the engine that powers it: the metabolism. Throughout the Master of Continue reading Energy Balance: Ancient Ways the Body Deals with MSA Stress

Education for Analytics-Principal Investigators Vs. Practicums

Last week, I shared a meal with a friend during which something rare happened— we started discussing principal component analysis. Perhaps others frequently converse on this topic, but for me, it was a first. I attributed this occurrence to the fact that we are both students in technical fields, albeit Continue reading Education for Analytics-Principal Investigators Vs. Practicums