From Chaucer to Code: Why Non-STEM Backgrounds Matter in Data Analytics

There are common stereotypes that humanities degrees are “useless,” that Historically Black Colleges/Universities (HBCUs) don’t prepare you for the real world, and that being a Black woman is a deficit in STEM fields. I’m here to challenge all that. As a Black woman who graduated from the illustrious North Carolina Continue reading From Chaucer to Code: Why Non-STEM Backgrounds Matter in Data Analytics

A Graduate Student’s Guide to Staying Motivated

5 students at a table making slime

Whether you are a recent graduate or are re-entering the educational space, we all know that the most work is completed when you are motivated. In this demanding world that we live in, staying motivated can be extremely difficult to manage on a daily basis. Thankfully, I have found a Continue reading A Graduate Student’s Guide to Staying Motivated