You Belong Here: Embracing Your Unique Journey in Data Science

Have you ever felt out of place at a job, in a class, or even in a program where you’re fully qualified? You’re not alone—82% of people experience this phenomenon known as imposter phenomenon, the relentless feeling of not deserving their success (American Psychological Association). As a result, it’s no Continue reading You Belong Here: Embracing Your Unique Journey in Data Science

Does your bookshelf look like this?

Any board game enthusiast is familiar with this sight. Building a gaming library can be satisfying, but it can be a burden on both your wallet and your shelves. And with thousands of new board games being published each year – many with beautiful art, satisfying components, and exciting themes Continue reading Does your bookshelf look like this?

Dressing for Success

One of my favorite compliments to receive is “I like your outfit.” When preparing to attend the MSA, where business casual attire is required, I spent endless hours scrolling through clothing websites and brainstorming outfits that I could wear to class. While some may view this as a shopping addiction, Continue reading Dressing for Success

Know your resources

“Know your resources” was our motto when I tutored during undergrad. In the first session with tutees, we would review the resources available so students could learn how to best succeed. As I transitioned into grad school at the Institute for Advanced Analytics (IAA), I was placed back into the Continue reading Know your resources