Classmates, Communication Week, and Improv: How I (Re)Built My Confidence as a Presenter at the IAA

Group of 15 graduate students standing in a classroom

Resources abound at the Institute for Advanced Analytics–from committed faculty and staff to seemingly unlimited opportunities to apply and grow skill sets. For me, tools for effective communication have been like a gold mine, rich in opportunities for self-reflection and improvement. I had always been a confident presenter and performer, Continue reading Classmates, Communication Week, and Improv: How I (Re)Built My Confidence as a Presenter at the IAA

A Guide to Maintaining Your Active Lifestyle at the Institute

Group of 10 students in the gym

After my first week at the Institute of Advanced Analytics, I realized I had to change. Gone were the days of undergrad, in which I had ample free time to sleep in, hit the gym whenever convenient, and complete tasks “whenever I get to them.” However, as someone unwilling to Continue reading A Guide to Maintaining Your Active Lifestyle at the Institute

Defeating Cultural Shock

“The MSA is different from any program you have been to.”   Above is the exact sentence I heard from the alumni I contacted when I decided to attend the MSA program. In my mind, I wondered what they were talking about. How are the challenges at the Institute for Advanced Continue reading Defeating Cultural Shock

The Right Amount of Wrong: Calibrating Predictive Models

graph showing predicted versus actual win percentage

The Right Amount of Wrong: Calibrating Predictive Models How do we evaluate a predictive model? The most intuitive answer is accuracy—a simple measure of what percent of the time your model’s prediction is correct. Accuracy is a widely used evaluation metric, largely because it’s so easy to understand. However, a Continue reading The Right Amount of Wrong: Calibrating Predictive Models