How to Make a GitHub Portfolio Website

Imagine having a dynamic, accessible portfolio that showcases your data science skills and projects in one place. Whether you aim to land a job, build your network, or share your work, a GitHub portfolio is an excellent way to stand out.

After graduating from North Carolina State University in May 2024, I searched for an effective way to display my work to potential employers. Through research and trials, I discovered how to create a GitHub portfolio that serves as a living resume for all my projects. The best part? Anyone can do it. It is surprisingly simple and requires minimal coding knowledge.

  • Step 1: Create a Repository

Press the ‘+’ sign in the top right of GitHub and select “New repository”. Make sure to name the new repository “” (replace “Username” with your GitHub username). This will serve as the link to your new webpage.

  • Step 2: Create a _config.yml file

Create a new file and name it exactly “_config.yml”. This file will be the backbone of your portfolio, controlling key elements like the title, description, logo, and theme. Copy the text below and change the values on the right side of the colon to match your specifications. For the logo, upload any picture you want to your repository and write the respective name of the file. The theme can be chosen here:

  • Step 3: Create a file

Now, create a new file and name it exactly “”. The text you add here will automatically populate the body of your GitHub portfolio with the theme you selected earlier. No coding is required. Just focus on creating a clear, engaging description of yourself and your work.

  • Step 4: Customize Your Portfolio Readme File to your liking

Use the file to introduce yourself, highlight your best projects, and share links to your work. GitHub supports a wide range of formatting options. The below link will show you how to style text, create headings, add links, etc.

  • Step 5: Publish and Share

Congratulations! You are now done. The GitHub portfolio/website should now be live. Now all that is left is adding your projects to your repository and customizing the Readme file to your liking.

If you run into any issues or have questions, feel free to reach out to me! I am always happy to help! You can find my contact information via my very own GitHub portfolio which will be linked below for reference. I’ll be adding more projects from my time at the Institute for Advanced Analytics as the year goes by:

Columnist: Kyle Hardy