MSA Share20s are an opportunity for students to present to their classmates about relevant and interesting topics. Students work with Dr. Sarah Egan Warren to prepare their presentations and deliver their talks at lunchtime. The talks last up to 20 minutes with 10 minutes for questions.
The speakers hone their presentation skills, and the participants learn something new (win-win)!

Steven Lou presented How to Create a Good Snowball (personal portfolio). As graduation (and the first paycheck) approaches, it is time to consider an investment portfolio! Steven, a former banker, introduces one of his favorite passive investment vehicles among all the choices — exchange-traded fund (ETF). Low, unsystematic risk, liquid, and easy to manage! (Based on Steven’s personal opinion).
Andrew Lu and Sam Weiner presented How to SPEND Your Money and Be Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise, the first MSA Share20 for the spring semester. Their message to the class: As you journey through your analytics career, you will most likely be amongst the top 10% of earners in the United States. While there is a $60bn financial advice industry in the United States, it is largely focused on saving, investing, and planning for retirement. Andrew Lu and Sam Weiner shared an unconventional talk focused on SPENDING and being able to afford anything you want to enjoy the NOW!
Feliciti Milne was back in November to present Dress to Impress. Feliciti shared how to properly iron dress shirts and trousers and answered questions about laundering business formal clothes.
Diana Zabala presented Data Collection in Global Health Field Research. Diana shared the joys and tribulations of public health field research. She related her experiences with creating survey instruments, prepping for fieldwork, and conducting translator-assisted data collection in Uganda while completing a global health research program.
Wyatt Freeman was back in November to present Becoming Friends with Your Neurotransmitters. He discussed how nutritional foods, exercise, and positive thinking can change your life.
Rachel Slover presented A Guide to Exploring U.S. National Parks. Rachel discussed why she loves U.S. national parks and gave tips on how to have the best experience as derived from the various trips she’s taken to parks across the country. How can you optimize your time & choose the best hikes? How can you manage to get hard-to-reserve campsites? How can you end up in a guitar circle in the staff cabin at the bottom of the Grand Canyon? She shared her love for hiking, nature, and exploration!
Noah Johnson, Jiwon Lee, Ryan Maloney, and Isaac Peterson presented special TENNIS editions of MSA Share20. They shared their tennis expertise with their classmates to help them prepare for the visualization project for Coach Secker and the NC State Women’s Tennis Team. Noah, Jiwon, Ryan, and Isaac explained tennis terminology, rules, and scoring.
Jason Blaisdell presented We Don’t Know How Planes Fly. Jason explained that although we can design, build, and fly planes incredibly well, we do not fully understand how they fly. He explained thrust, drag, and lift and how to calculate lift and drag. Using DALL-E, he created a visual of a plane to demonstrate what we know and don’t know about flying.
Kay Bean presented Everything I Love About Barbie Movies and More… Kay discussed Barbie movies, IMDb, the Bechdel Test, and classic stories. She shared why she finds Barbie movies so fascinating and related that to the audience’s interests.
NEW MSA Share20 format: Lightning Talks
Ben Wagner and Kevin Conroy each shared a 5-minute talk. Ben discussed AI and Kevin discussed camping.
Max Inman presented Competitive Mario Kart. Mario Kart DS American Champion and 2018 Player of the Year, Max, shared details about the worldwide competitive time trials in all of the Mario Kart games. He discussed the history of competition, community, and why NCSU is the #1 school worldwide for Mario Kart.
Xueyang Li presented How to Train a Model… Canine Citizen. Xueyang shared her experience with service dogs. Service dogs can (literally) open many doors for those who need them by helping improve health, safety, confidence, and mobility. From alerting to an incoming seizure to bracing for falls, these dogs have learned specific skills to assist their handler. But for those of us who have had pet dogs, we know that these skills are not inborn. Xueyang explained the process of getting an 8-week-old puppy to become a trained professional and discussed her experience volunteering with local nonprofit Eyes Ears, Nose, & Paws (EENP).
Kimberly Scheiber presented Three Underrated Travel Destinations In Europe. Kimberly shared three destinations in Europe that are (some of) her favorites. Through pictures of her travels, she offered insights into what attractions and activities all of these places have to offer.
Wyatt Freeman presented Health and Happiness Skills. Wyatt shared his practical tips for daily health and happiness. He reminded the audience that we control our thoughts, feelings, and actions. They do not control us.
Ty Skousen presented What’s that Bird? How Citizen Science and Machine Learning Can Help You Find Out. Ty discussed how data scientists use machine learning with sound and images to help individuals identify, find, and study birds. Scientists rely on crowdsourced data and citizen science for ecological research and conservation efforts. eBird is the largest biological citizen science program. The database contains over 600 million bird observations from every country in the world, with observations of nearly every bird species on Earth. Ty shared the value of ML and ways for the audience to contribute to citizen science as a way to appreciate the beauty and nature around us!
Patrick O’Keefe presented Building an At-Home Office Computer: Cheap and Easy! Patrick covered topics to improve your computer hardware literacy and explained how to build an at-home office computer that’s half the price and 2x better than a laptop with an explanation of the parts he chose.
AB Gundala presented Improving Healthcare through Mobile Technology and Data Science. AB discussed how every year U.S. healthcare costs are rising continuously with no proportional increase in patient outcomes. He showed how using innovative approaches to fill care gaps and connect providers to patients can bring a long-lasting positive impact to this nationwide issue.
Zo Webster & Feliciti Milne presented What are These New Space Pictures and Why Should I Care? Zo and Feliciti discussed the new photos from the James Webb Telescope that were published on July 12th 2022. Their talk included some background information for understanding the images and key takeaways from the images.